Newsletter 5/3

Wed, 05/15/2024 - 10:19am
HCPSS Talbott Springs Elementary School  
Newsletter - 5/3/24

Greetings TSES Families,

Next week is Staff Appreciation Week, and we will be celebrating our wonderful staff!  Please take a moment to reach out to your child's teacher to share your gratitude with them.  As you know, the TSES staff are AMAZING and work hard each day to educate and care for all of our students.  We will be celebrating them in many ways next week and are appreciative of our PTA's support in doing so.  Thank you to our community for your continued support! 

This morning we completed an evacuation drill at approximately 9:15. All students, staff, and visitors evacuated the building following our emergency plan procedures. The drill lasted approximately five minutes before everyone returned to the building and resumed our normal instructional schedule.  Our students and staff did a wonderful job, and we appreciate everyone's cooperation during these drills. Please feel free to contact Dr. Derek Lewis at with any questions you may have. 

The week’s newsletter includes the following:


Important Dates

May 9 - Academic Night

May 14 - Schools & Offices Closed for Primary Election Day

May 16 - PTA Meeting @ 6:15pm

May 17 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early (TSES will dismiss at 12:15)

May 27 - Schools & Offices Closed for Memorial Day

June 5 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early - TSES Dismisses @ 12:15

June 11 - Last day for half day Pre-School Classes

June 12 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early - TSES Dismisses @ 12:15

June 13 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early - TSES Dismisses @ 12:15

June 14 - Last Day of School!  Schools Close 3 Hours Early - TSES Dismisses @ 12:15

Nothing Bundt Cakes Fundraiser

We are already planning for next year and are raising funds for our Black History Month assemblies!  Please use the order form to support us.  All order forms must be turned in no later than May 13.  Stop by our table display at Academic Night on May 9.  We hope to see you there!

Yearbook Ordering Information

It’s time to order your 90+ page full-color yearbook! What a great way to remember this school year and give your child a lasting keepsake. 

To order:

  • Complete attached order envelope (one envelope per student)

  • Send Cash, Check, or Money Order made payable to Talbott Springs Elementary School PTA for $29.00 per book ordered.

  • Order online at

  • Return order envelope by May 17, 2024 (FIRM DATE).

  • TSES does not order ‘extra’ yearbooks for later purchase.

  • Email if you have any questions!

2023-2024 Yearbook Cover Contest

The TSES PTA Yearbook Committee is happy to welcome back the Yearbook Cover Contest!    Please email Michelle at with any questions. 

Important Details:

· The 2023-2024 Yearbook Cover theme is “At TSES we are Unique and Fabulous!”

· The picture must fill an 8.5 x 11 piece of white paper

· The picture must include Talbott Springs Elementary School and 2023-2024. (Please spell the name of the school and write the school year dates correctly).

· The picture must be vertically oriented

· The picture must be in color

· Do not fold your picture

· Name of Student, Grade & Teacher’s Name (write on back, please)

If you are interested, please submit a color drawing by Tuesday, May 7, 2024.

2023-2024 Yearbook Love Notes

Right after your child scavenges the yearbook for his or her pictures and those of friends, they will want to read all the wonderful LOVE NOTES from Family Members. Please use this opportunity to write to your child(ren) to show how much they are appreciated and loved, especially during the 2023-2024 school year!

                  * Let them know how GREAT they are doing in School!

                  * Tell them how PROUD you are of their accomplishments!
                  * Let them know you APPRECIATE how they have helped you!

Fill out the form below no later than May 3, 2024.   Thank you!


(1) Megan, we are so proud of you this year.  We love you so much!
(2) Good Luck in Middle School Joe, we are so proud of you!

Please contact Michelle at with any questions.

 Spanish Love Notes 2023-2024


English Love Notes 2023-2024


2024-2025 Bus Service Registration

To help HCPSS plan for student transportation needs for the 2024-2025 school year, bus service registration for the 2024-2025 school year will open for parents/guardians of eligible students on April 8. Families will be notified on April 4 via districtwide email/website post with translations, and a reminder in the HCPSS News email to families on April 10. Families will be asked to complete registration by May 31 to better inform development of routes and busing needs.
Following the April 8 open date, schools should remind families of the bus registration requirement and process. Details on Bus Transportation Registration are available on the HCPSS website. At this time, schools are not being asked to follow-up with eligible families that do not complete registration; however, please encourage families to register through May 31 using multiple methods such as school newsletters and announcements at school and community events. More information is forthcoming. Questions may be directed to the Office of Student Transportation.