Newsletter 12/20


Talbott Springs Elementary School

Newsletter for 12/20/24

Greetings TSES Families,

Can you believe it's already time for Winter Break?  The first four months of the school year have flown by, and we are excited to start off the new year when we return on Thursday, January 2!

We hope that everyone has a wonderful holiday and break.  Stay safe and warm!


This week’s newsletter includes the following:

Important Dates

Carson Scholarship Nominees

Elementary School Honors Orchestra

Road to Kindergarten Information

Lake Elkhorn Middle School 5th Grade Parent Night

OMMS New Student Orientation & Parent Orientation Night


Important Dates

December 23 - January 1 - HCPSS schools are closed for winter break

January 2 - HCPSS schools re-open

January 20 - February Conference Scheduling Window Opens @ 8am

January 23 - End of Quarter 2

January 23 - HCPSS Schools Close 3 Hours Early - TSES dimisses @ 12:15

January 29 - HCPSS schools closed for students due to Professional Work Day 


Carson Scholarship Nominees

Congratulations to Maya B in 4th grade who will move forward as Talbott Springs Elementary’s Carson Scholarship Nominee. 

And also congratulations to all the students who wrote an essay for consideration:

4th Graders:

Parker A

Dimitri P

Callen F

Maya B

5th Graders:

Nathaniel V

Cruz J

Jesse U


Elementary School Honors Orchestra

Zori S and Laila, 5th graders, were accepted to Elementary School Honors Orchestra!

Other students nominated were Gabby J (5), Christopher C (4), and Dimitri P (4).  Congratulations to all of our students!


Road to Kindergarten

Do you have a child who will be 5 years old by September 1, 2025? Please save the date and join us for an upcoming Road to Kindergarten parent information session. All sessions will run 6:30-7:30 p.m. and cover the same content.:

  • Expectations for school readiness (and receive a Ready for Kindergarten toolkit;
  • Details about the HCPSS kindergarten program;
  • Information about HCPSS kindergarten registration and website;
  • Ways that families and children can be supported during the transition to kindergarten.

Information sessions will be offered on the following dates:

  • January 21, 2025, Hammond High School*
  • January 23, 2025 Centennial High School**
  • January 28, 2025, Wilde Lake High School*
  • SNOW DATE: Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2025, Hammond High School**

* Spanish interpreter will be present at these sites.

** Chinese, Korean, and Spanish interpreters will be present at these sites

Please note, the session will include information regarding Kindergarten readiness, program components, and registration that is applicable to all HCPSS schools; specific school information will be shared by schools after registration is finalized. 


Lake Elkhorn Middle School 5th Grade Parent Night



OMMS New Student Orientation & Parent Orientation Night

We invite you to join us for Oakland Mills Middle School's New Student & Parent Orientation Night.  This event will provide an overview of what to expect in middle school and information about the middle school schedule.

Who: Rising 6th Grade Students

Date:  Tuesday, January 21  (snow date: January 28)

Time: 6pm-7pm

Where: Oakland Mills Middle School - Cafeteria