Talbott Springs Elementary Staff

Early Childhood Team

Amy Lauer | MINC PreK General Teacher (Instructional Team Leader) | amy_lauer@hcpss.org
Khatija Moughal | MINC PreK Special Education Teacher | khatija_moughal@hcpss.org
Angela McDowell | MINC PK General Education Teacher | angela_mcdowell@hcpss.org
Bonnie Shultz | MINC PreK Special Education Teacher | bonnie_shultz@hcpss.org
Lillian Ingley | MINC PreK Special Education Paraeducator | lillian_ingley@hcpss.org
Heather Merson | MINC PreK Special Education Paraeducator | heather_merson@hcpss.org
Chloe Weill | MINC PreK Paraeducator | chloe_weill@hcpss.org
Colleen King | MINC PreK Student Assistant | colleen_king@hcpss.org
Dinorka DeLeon | MINC PreK Student Assistant | dinorka_deleon@hcpss.org
Kristin Murray | Pre-K General Education Teacher | kristin_murray@hcpss.org
Nancy Barsoum | PreK Special Education Teacher | nancy_barsoum@hcpss.org
Lisa Phillips | Pre-K Paraeducator | lisa_phillips@hcpss.org
Hayley Foster | MINC EL Special Education Teacher | hayley_foster@hcpss.org
Stephany Bartz | MINC EL Special Education Paraeducator | stephany_bartz@hcpss.org
Jasmine Wearing | MINC EL Special Education Paraeducator | jasmine_wearing@hcpss.org
Mindy Gaines | MINC EL Student Assistant | mindy_gaines@hcpss.org
Heather Kaler | Pre-S Special Education Teacher | heather_kaler@hcpss.org
Mackenzie Campbell | Pre-S Special Education Paraeducator | mackenzie_campbell@hcpss.org
Beth Krakower | MINC Pre-S Special Education Teacher (Instructional Team Leader) | beth_krakower@hcpss.org
Sarah Sagi | MINC Pre-S Special Education Paraeducator | sarah_sagi@hcpss.org
Tacy Phelps | MINC Pre-S Student Assistant | tacy_phelps@hcpss.org

Related Arts Team

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Sarah Parker | Physical Education Teacher | sarah_parker@hcpss.org
Philip Bonsu | Physical Education Teacher | philip_bonsu@hcpss.org
Jennifer Kim | Strings Teacher | jennifer_kim1@hcpss.org
Jonathan Velsey | Strings Teacher (0.2) | jonathan_velsey@hcpss.org
Josiah Marsh | Band Teacher | Josiah_marsh@hcpss.org
Virginia Sears | .4 Vocal Music | virginia_sears@hcpss.org
Megan Knysak | Vocal Music | megan_knysak@hcpss.org
Erica Murray | Art Teacher | erica_murray@hcpss.org
Danielle Frere | .4 Art Teacher | danielle_frere@hcpss.org
Elizabeth Stover | Instructional Technology | elizabeth_stover@hcpss.org
Matthew Winner | Media Teacher | matthew_winner@hcpss.org
Doni Ernst | Media Paraeducator | doni_ernst@hcpss.org

Special Education Team

I'asia Cunningham-Dupree | Special Education Teacher (Instructional Team Leader) | iasia_cunningham-dupree@hcpss.org
Chanel Sanchez | Special Education Teacher | chanel_sanchez@hcpss.org
Lenore Welsh | Special Education Teacher | lenore_welsh@hcpss.org
Maura Watson | Special Education Teacher | maura_watson@hcpss.org
Chandenie Kissoon | Special Education Teacher | chandenie_kissoon@hcpss.org
Kelly Mountain | Paraeducator | kelly_mountain@hcpss.org
Anna Kim | Paraeducator | anna_kim@hcpss.org
Seth Lamb | Paraeducator | seth_lamb@hcpss.org
Kaylee (Summer) Stampone | Paraeducator | kaylee_stampone@hcpss.org
Carolyn Barnard-Schell | Student Assistant | carolyn_barnard-schell@hcpss.org

Academic Support Team

Penny Freer | Reading Specialist | penny_freer@hcpss.org
Christina Mizia | Reading Specialist | christina_mizia@hcpss.org
Erika Kennedy | Reading Specialist | erika_kennedy@hcpss.org
Hetal Patel | Literacy Coach | Hetal_Patel@hcpss.org
Aura Volz | Literacy Coach | Aura_Volz@hcpss.org
Haroldine Simpkins | Math and Reading Teacher | haroldine_simpkins@hcpss.org
Dennis McDonald | Math Coach | dennis_mcdonald@hcpss.org
Rosheeda Brooks-Samuel | Math Specialist/Title I Point of Contact | rosheeda_brooks-samuel@hcpss.org
Katherine (Katie) DiCarlo | Math Specialist/Title I Point of Contact | Katherine_DiCarlo@hcpss.org

Student Support Team

Lauren Sansone | School Counselor | lauren_sansone@hcpss.org
Dr. Joel Roth | School Psychologist | joel_roth@hcpss.org
Arlette Garcia Gill | Hispanic Achievement Liaison | arlette_garcia_gill@hcpss.org
Neil Gwinn | Pupil Personnel Worker | neil_gwinn@hcpss.org
Karen Purifoy | Black Student Achievement Liaison | karen_purifoy@hcpss.org
Cynthia Nguyen | Social Worker | cindy_nguyen@hcpss.org
Ilse Guerrero | Social Worker Intern | ilse_guerrero@hcpss.org
Jenny Rothenberger | Family and Community Engagement Liaison | jennifer_rothenberger@hcpss.org

Daily Building Substitute

Meghan Carlson | Daily Building Substitute
Elias Jack-Monroe | Daily Building Substitute
Haley Knapo | Daily Building Substitute
Casey Scheffey | Daily Building Substitute

Lunch Recess Monitor Team

Jerry Lowery | Lunch Recess Monitor
Selina Jarrett | Lunch Recess Monitor
Ronnie Padgett | Lunch and Recess Monitor

Talbott Springs Elementary Staff

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Talbott Springs Elementary Staff