TSES is a 2024 Maryland Green School!
Talbott Springs Elementary School received certification as a Maryland Green School from the Maryland Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education (MAEOE), after demonstrating and documenting a continuous effort to integrate sustainable environmental management practices, environmental education curriculum, professional development opportunities, and community engagement into our daily operations. The award signifies our commitment to developing stewards of the earth and reducing the school’s impact. Talbott Springs is 1 of 10 Howard County schools to receive this award!
The Maryland Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education (MAEOE) is a non-profit organization. MAEOEs mission is to encourage, engage and empower the community to understand, responsibly use and promote the natural world. MAEOE's Maryland Green Schools Program celebrates 25 years in 2024. For a complete listing of Green Schools and Green Centers visit www.maeoe.org .