Talbott Springs Elementary School
Newsletter for 11/27/24
Greetings TSES Families,
We are grateful to our families for showing support for our students by participating in conferences this week. It was wonderful to see so many families this week!
Thank you to our PTA for providing the staff a delicious dinner on Monday night in between conferences. It was an awesome treat for the hard working TSES staff!
We will kick off Inclusive Schools Week next week on Monday, 12/2. Please see below for spirit week details.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving break! We look forward to seeing our students return on Monday, December 2.
This week’s newsletter includes the following:
- Important Dates
- Inclusive Schools Week
- Family Engagement Team
- Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)
- Hour of Code
- PTA School of Excellence
- Concert for Kids @ OMHS
Important Dates
December 2 - Family Engagement Team Meeting @ 6pm
December 2 - 6 - Inclusive Schools Week
December 9 - 15 - Hour of Code Week
December 10 - PTA Sponsored Eagle Winter Party @ 6pm- Save the Date!
December 12 - PTA Restaurant Night @ Texas Roadhouse @ 3pm-10pm
December 19 - Winter Concert @ OMHS @ 6:30pm
December 23 - January 2 - Winter Break
Inclusive Schools Week
This year the Inclusive Schools Network celebrates inclusive learning communities with the theme of “Every Voice Matters”. While inclusive practices for students occur every day, this week aims to foster inclusive schools to create “more inclusive learning environments, dismantle barriers to participation, and promote equity and understanding among all members of the school community”. At TSES, we will celebrate inclusion by holding a week long spirit week to emphasize our committment to "Every Voice Matters". See below for details!
Family Engagement Team Meeting
Teachers, parents, and family partners come together to build constant collaboration between home and school at our monthly FET Meeting. Please join us on Monday, December 2 @ 6pm via Google Meet Code: meet.google.com/hpk-cqiy-gwt Check out the flier for details.
Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT)
All Third Grade students will take the Cognitive Abilities Test™ (CogAT®) on December 9, 10, & 11. The following provides some additional information about the test so that—with your support and encouragement—your child will do their best.
CogAT measures students’ learned reasoning abilities in the three areas most closely related to success in school:
The Verbal Battery measures students’ abilities to reason with words and concepts. These reasoning abilities play an important role in reading comprehension, critical thinking, writing, and virtually all verbal learning tasks.
The Quantitative Battery measures students’ abilities to reason with quantitative symbols and concepts. These reasoning skills are significantly related to problem solving in mathematics and other disciplines.
The Nonverbal Battery measures students’ abilities to reason with geometric shapes and figures. To perform successfully, students must accurately implement strategies for solving novel problems.
The three separate batteries provide a broad perspective on each student’s learned reasoning abilities, identifying cognitive strengths and weaknesses. Each subtest includes practice questions to help students become familiar with the content and format of the subtests. These practice questions help students gain familiarity with the item formats and how to complete the different reasoning tasks. Students read each question and the answer choices and then mark their answers by filling in a circle on an answer sheet. Each subtest takes 10 minutes.
Please make sure that your student is in school and on time on test days. Thank you for your support!
Hour of Code
The Hour of Code takes place each year during Computer Science Education Week. The 2024 Computer Science Education Week will be December 9th - 15th. Hour of Code is a one-hour introduction to computer science that allows all students to learn the basics and broaden participation in the field of computer science. This year's theme is CS Heroes. CS Heroes are individuals making a difference in computer science. We recognize those whose computer science work has contributed and harnessed the good in computer science. This year, we reflect on past successes while inspiring the next generation to leap into new possibilities.
PTA School of Excellence
We need your help! As part of the process, National PTA requests feedback from families, administrators and teachers at two points in the school year—the beginning and the end. Your feedback will help us improve our family-school partnership and achieve excellence.
Please take 5-10 minutes to reflect on your experience at this school and complete the survey linked here . Select the response that most accurately expresses how you feel about your experience. This survey is completely anonymous. Please submit this survey by Monday, December 9, 2024.
Please see the letters in English and Spanish for additional details.
Concert for Kids @ OMHS
Enjoy a festive performance at Oakland Mills High School on December 7th at 1pm and 7pm in partnership with WBAL Radio!
The 1 PM Matinee includes:
Post-performance Kids Craft
Photos with Santa!
Get tickets here: https://concertforkids.ticketleap.com/cfk2024/
About the Concert for Kids
This annual holiday event benefits the WBAL Radio Kids Campaign, supporting our community by raising funds and awareness for this meaningful cause. Since its premiere in 2007, the Concert for Kids has raised over $112,000 to help local children and families.
We hope to see you there!