Talbott Springs Elementary School
Newsletter for 11/22/24
Greetings TSES Families,
Thank you for understanding our decision to cancel today’s Trot for Talbott event due to the inclement weather. Even though we did not have our event as planned, the students and staff were excited to see a little snow! Please see the update sent on 11/21 for additional details regarding Trot for Talbott.
We had another exciting week at TSES! It was American Education Week, and we celebrated our Education Support Professionals (ESPs) on Wednesday for National ESP Day. Our students made hands in art class to make a giant tree to show their appreciation for our ESPs. Each hand had a special note or word to describe our amazing ESPs. We are so fortunate to have the best of the best at TSES!
We are looking forward to seeing many of our families at conferences next week. Please make note of the half day schedule on Monday and Tuesday. TSES will dismiss at 12:15 each day, so please make arrangements for on time pick up. We do not have BRIDGES on half days.
We will have two school wide spirit days next week so we can have a little fun before the Thanksgiving break. Please see the attached flier for details. Speaking of fun, be sure to read below to find out what the students can earn by bringing in spare change to raise money for books for our Media Center!
Our PTA is hosting a dinner for staff on 11/25, the first night of Parent/Teacher conferences. Please sign up to donate. Thank you for your support!
Lastly, tonight is restaurant night at Jason’s Deli from 5pm-9pm. Stop by to support our TSES PTA! Please be sure to take the flier with you.
This week’s newsletter includes the following:
Important Dates
November 22 - PTA Restaurant Night @ Jason’s Deli @ 5pm-9pm - TONIGHT!
November 25 & 26 - Schools Close 3 Hours Early - TSES dismisses @ 12:15 (No BRIDGES)
November 25 & 26 - Conferences
December 10 - PTA Sponsored Eagle Winter Party @ 6pm- Save the Date!
December 12 - PTA Restaurant Night @ Texas Roadhouse @ 3pm-10pm
December 19 - Winter Concert @ OMHS @ 6:30pm
Readathon Information
This Friday, November 22nd concludes the portion of our Read-a-thon where Reading Minutes are logged. So, find those scrawled notes in your calendar, back of receipts and anywhere else you jotted down info when you caught your TSES Eagle reading and get it logged into your Readers Dashboard. If you're soliciting donations, you will still have 10 days from Friday! Take a peek at the Read-a-thon Prize Store!
We are so proud of all our Eagles! Be sure to save the date for the Eagles Winter Party on Tuesday December 10 from 6-8pm. There will be a *Free Book Table* because we celebrate reading ALL YEAR LONG!
Book Fair Change Drive
Want to see our Admin. Team do something completely silly?!
Donate your spare change to our Book Fair this Monday (Nov. 25) or Tuesday (Nov. 26) to help purchase more books for our TSES library. If we raise $100 or more, Ms. Harmon has agreed to let some lucky TSES students put a pie in her face! What's more?!? Dr. Lewis has agreed to let our TSES students tape him to the cafeteria wall. Drop off your spare change in the Media Center any time next week!
TSES Super Singers
We are so happy to congratulate our students! Each week one student in each of our 3rd through 5th grade music classes is selected as the "Super Singer." Students selected demonstrate consistent excellence in the school RISE expectations and/or the music skills that are being taught (singing, playing instruments, creating, and moving are some of the skills). Here are the super singers for the period of 10/9-11/15: London B., Aiden C., Ernest D., Rory A., Perez E., Scarlett F., Ryan H., Lesly A.R., Muhammed C., Hank E., Bryce J., Gabriella J., Amiyah R., Sofia R., Kayla G., La'Bella E., Henry Z., Levi T., Mikayla H., Alex F.A., Thaddeus K., Gunnar F., Liya S., Adrianna R., Sophia S., Gregory S., Rosie A., Nehemiah B., Axel M., Evelyn R., London L., Laila R., Eunice W., Jiselle C., David N., Amir H., Dylan C.