Talbott Springs Elementary School
Newsletter - 11/1/24Greetings TSES Families,
We had so much fun at our PTA sponsored Trunk or Treat! It was great to see our community come together and enjoy a beautiful evening together.
This morning, students and staff practiced a Duck, Cover, and Hold drill. This drill is one of the safety measures that all HCPSS schools conduct periodically throughout the year as part of our Emergency Response Plans. These drills provide good practice to review safety procedures. Duck, Cover and Hold is a procedure we use for weather related emergencies and other instances where there may be damage to the building. We encourage you to ask your child about the drill and let us know if they have any questions or concerns
This is a reminder that all HCPSS Schools & Offices are closed on Tuesday, November 5 due to Election Day.
This week’s newsletter includes the following:
- Important Dates
- Trot for Talbott
- Free Bikes 4 Kids
- Yearbook Committee News
- Square 1 Art Fundraiser
- Veterans Day
- Young Author's Contest
Important Dates
October 31 - HCPSS Schools Closed for Students - Professional Workday
November 4 - Square 1 Art orders due
November 8 - Report Cards Available in Synergy
November 22 - Trot for Talbott
November 18 - 22 - American Education Week
November 25 & 26 - Conferences (Stay tuned for details!)
Trot for Talbott
Friday, November 22, 2024Get ready for some fitness and fun at TSES! Students will be participating in the Trot during the school day at the designated times below. Families are invited to join their students! Parent volunteers are needed and should sign up using this link. If you have any questions about volunteering, please contact: Philip_Bonsu1@hcpss.org.
Trot for Talbott Schedule:
AM Preschool 9:15 - 9:45 AM
PM Preschool 1:20 - 1:50 PM
Pre-K 10:30 - 11:00 AM
Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2 1:45 - 2:45 PM
Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5 9:00 - 10:00 AM
Here is the flier about the event!
Trote por Talbott
viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2024
¡Prepárate para hacer ejercicio y divertirte en TSES! Los estudiantes participarán en el Trote durante el día escolar en los horarios designados a continuación. ¡Las familias están invitadas a unirse a sus estudiantes! Se necesitan padres voluntarios y deben registrarse usando este enlace. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el voluntariado, comuníquese con la Sra. Arlette Garcia arlette_garcia_gill@hcpss.org
Horario del trote por Talbott:
Preescolar AM 9:15 - 9:45 AM
Preescolar PM 1:20 - 1:50 PM
Pre-K 10:30 - 11:00 AM
Kinder, grado 1, grado 2 1:45 - 2:45 PM
Grado 3, Grado 4, Grado 5 9:00 - 10:00 AM
Aquí está el volante sobre el evento!
Free Bikes 4 Kids
Free Bikes 4 Kids is donating refurbished bikes to TSES kids who do not have one and are unable to afford one. Please complete the request form by November 24, 2024 if your student does not have a bike and needs one. If available bikes will be delivered to the school in December.
Yearbook Committee News
It may be October, but the yearbook committee is already hard at work on the 2024-2025 yearbook. We would love your help with filling our pages with photos of your child(ren) at TSES events. Please share photos from (1) field trips; and (2) school events with Mrs. Humphrey at yearbook@tsespta.org.
Square 1 Art Fundraiser
The Square 1 Art fundraiser catalogs came home this week featuring your child's art on the cover and free stickers. This art can be printed on unique gifts and keepsakes to enjoy for a lifetime. Search for your child's unique art code, or by using your child's name at Art Search. Orders are due by 11/4/2024
Veterans Day
At Talbott Springs Elementary, we would like to thank family members of our students who have previously served or are currently serving in any branch of the United States Military. Please use the form linked here to share your information so that we can give special recognition to the children and their family members, on Monday November, 11th. Please submit your information by Wednesday 11/6, to allow time for sharing information with classroom teachers to highlight during Social Emotional Learning time on 11/11. Thank you!
Young Author's Contest
The Howard County Literacy Association invites students in grades 1-5 to submit their original poems and/or short stories to the annual writing contest called The Young Authors' Contest. Please see the attached Young Authors' Contest Guidelines 2024-2025 for information about the rules and guidelines. Paper copies of the guidelines will be provided to students. All entries must have a completed YAC Cover Sheet sent as a PDF. Submissions may be emailed to Erika_Kennedy@hcpss.org by December 20, 2024. Contact Mrs. Kennedy with any questions. All Young Authors’ Contest information can be found on the HCLA website. Howard County Literacy Association welcomes parents as members. Visit the HCLA Welcome Page for information about joining.
La asociación de literatura de Howard County invita a los estudiantes de 1-5 grado a entregar un poema original y/o una historia corta a la competencia anual llamada The Young Authors’ Contest. Favor de ver el volante adjunto Young Authors' Contest Guidelines 2024-2025 para más información sobre las reglas y pautas. Una copia de las reglas y pautas se le entregará a los estudiantes. Todos los trabajos deben tener un formulario complete YAC Cover Sheet. Las presentaciones pueden enviarse por correo electrónico a Erika_Kennedy@hcpss.org antes del 20 de diciembre de 2024. Comuníquese con la Sra. Kennedy si tiene alguna pregunta. Toda la información del concurso se puede encontrar en el sitio HCLA website. La Asociación de Alfabetización del Condado de Howard da la bienvenida a los padres como miembros. Visite la página de bienvenida de HCLA para obtener información sobre cómo unirse.