2024-2025 Grades 1-5 Enrollment Information

Start the Registration Process using this site: https://www.hcpss.org/enroll/  Registration can be either in person or through the HCPSS website. If registering in person, please come to TSES between 9:00 and 3:00. Questions? Please feel free contact Mrs. Adams at katherine_adams@hcpss.org; Ms. Yates at michele_yates@hcpss.org  or Ms. Hoffman at lauran_hoffman@hcpss.org 


2024-2025 School Supply List https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zevBe_wjV_HQVQv641xVw761v2Qi1GGw3YsRT5_iP1w/edit?usp=sharing

HCPSS Connect Access Directions

Academic Information for HCPSS Grades K-12